Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Emotional Faces Fuse with Flora and Fauna in Abi Castillo’s Playful Ceramics

From the series ‘Sea Creatures.’ All images © Abi Castello, shared with permission

Oh, to be a flower allergic to pollen! In Abi Castillo’s playful ceramics, flowers sprout from the tops of expressive heads, blossoms sniffle, and vases contend with their contents—and the bees they attract. The Galicia, Spain-based artist creates characters that reflect her own experiences and emotions, becoming what she describes as alter-egos into which she can pour all of her feelings. She describes a “need to give life to objects, always looking for eyes to look at. That’s why faces are very important.”

Interested in the relationships between mysticism, drama, beauty, and the grotesque, Castillo imbues a growing cast of personalities with organic qualities, from coral to sprouting cheeks. She focuses on faces as a way to express humor or irony, and begins by making sketches that illustrate the final assembly. “The ceramic work is a slow process, where it is the clay that marks the drying times and where patience is very important,” she says. “The process can last from a few weeks to several months.”

Find more of Castillo’s work on her website and Instagram.


From the series ‘Drama.’ Photo by Sandra MG

Pieces from ‘Allergic Party.’ Photo by Emma Ovin

Flowers from the series ‘Allergic Party.’ Photo by Sandra MG

Photo by Sandra MG

Left: “A moco tendido.” Right: “Nómada con lunares”


‘Drama’ series. Photo by Sandra MG

“Seres da noite”

Detail of “Seres da noite”

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Aqueous Photographs by Maria Svarbova Synchronize Swimmers Within Cavernous Soviet-Era Pools

A symmetrical photograph of swimmers sitting beside a swimming pool.

All images © Maria Svarbova, shared with permission

Perched along the edges of swimming pools or bobbing just above the water’s surface, the subjects of Maria Svarbova‘s photographs enliven the interiors of vintage swimming pools. Focusing primarily on Soviet-era architecture (previously), the artist carefully composes figures wearing bathing suits and caps within the colorfully tiled, cavernous spaces. Digitally manipulated to accentuate repetition and precise symmetry, the figures align perfectly as if frozen in the moment just before diving in.

Svarbova often captures a mood of detachment through the expressionless faces of her subjects and an aqueous color palette, blurring the distinction between the past, present, and future. Routine actions “are reframed with a visual purity that is soothing and symmetrical and at times reverberant with an ethereal stillness,” reads a statement. “The overall effect evokes a contemplative silence in an extended moment of promise and awareness—a quality difficult to achieve in the rapid pace of contemporary life.”

Find more work on Svarbova’s website, Behance, and Instagram.


Three swimmers in different colored swim caps who are poised to dive in to a pool.

A symmetrical photograph of dozens of swimmers lined up beside a swimming pool.

A symmetrical photograph of six swimmers viewed from behind with arms linked. A symmetrical photograph of seven swimmers in yellow swimming suits.

A swimmer with her face half-submerged in water.

A swimmer in a yellow suit and red cap, viewed partly above and below water.

A swimmer in a yellow swimming suit who appears to be stepping off a high tiled ledge.  A symmetrical photograph of six swimmers in white swimming suits, showing off their biceps.

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article Aqueous Photographs by Maria Svarbova Synchronize Swimmers Within Cavernous Soviet-Era Pools appeared first on Colossal.

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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August 2023 Opportunities: Open Calls, Residencies, and Grants for Artists

“Universe of Words” by Emmanuelle Moureaux

Every month, Colossal shares a selection of opportunities for artists and designers, including open calls, grants, fellowships, and residencies. If you’d like to list an opportunity here, please get in touch at You can also join our monthly Opportunities Newsletter.


Open Calls

SculptureCenter In Practice 2024 Open Call (International)
In Practice 2024 invites artists who have not yet had an institutional solo exhibition in New York City to submit proposals for solo shows in designated gallery spaces at SculptureCenter. Proposals for off-site projects, publishing initiatives, performances, and nontraditional formats are also accepted. Up to seven applicants will be chosen and receive $6,000 project budgets and $1,000 honorariums.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. ET on August 6, 2023.

Nest Heritage Craft Prize (Texas)
Applications should represent heritage craft found across Texas, which includes but is not limited to: pottery, enamelwork, quilting, woodworking, leathersmithing, basketry, lampworking and glassblowing, silverwork, embroidery, textile creations, and visual arts.
Deadline: August 21, 2023.

Malta Biennale Open Call (International)
Artists in any stage of their career and working in any medium are invited to apply to exhibit at the 2024 Malta Biennale. Awardees are provided with a stipend of up to €13,000.
Deadline: August 25, 2023.

L+A+N+D: An Experience of Discovery—Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest (International)
Located just outside of Louisville, Kentucky, Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest’s new initiative L+A+N+D (Landscape + Art + Nature + Design) invites proposals for immersive outdoor installations. The organization will provide creative outdoor experiences with topics addressing humans’ connection to nature, beauty in the landscape, biodiversity, conservation, sustainability, and climate change, along with a stipend and a construction budget for fabrication and installation expenses.
Deadline: September 4, 2023.

Passepartout Photo Prize (International)
Open to photographers at any stage of their careers, the Passepartout Photo Prize is accepting submissions for its seventh edition. Winners receive exhibition and publication opportunities, with one 500 Euro award. There is a 25 Euro entry fee.
Deadline: October 10, 2023.

Sony Future Filmmaker Awards (International)
The Sony Future Filmmaker Awards elevates voices that bring a fresh perspective to storytelling. The shortlisted filmmakers are flown to Los Angeles for an exclusive four-day event to gain unparalleled insight into all aspects of the filmmaking process to advance their careers.
Deadline: February 15, 2024.



2024 Joyce Awards (Great Lakes region)
The final 2024 funding cycle for the Joyce Awards is now open to cultural workers and organizations working toward racial equity and economic mobility.
Deadline: September 11, 2023.

$1,800 Innovate Grants for Art + Photo—Summer 2023 Open Call (International)
For its Summer 2023 cycle, Innovate Grant will offer two awards of $1,800 each to one visual artist and one photographer. Six honorable mentions are also featured on the Innovate Grant site. Applications are open to anyone 18 and older from anywhere in the world.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. PST on September 14, 2023.

Foundwork Artist Prize (International)
The Foundwork Artist Prize is an annual juried grant that recognizes outstanding practices by emerging and mid-career artists working in any media. The 2023 honoree will receive an unrestricted $10,000 grant.
Deadline: September 26, 2023.

The Adolf and Esther Gottlieb Emergency Grant  (International)
The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Emergency Grant program provides one-time interim financial assistance to qualified painters, printmakers, and sculptors whose needs are the result of an unforeseen catastrophic incident and who lack the resources to meet that situation. Awardees typically receive $5,000, up to $15,000.
Deadline: Rolling.

Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund (Ukraine or refugee)
Adobe’s Creative Residency Community Fund commissions visual artists to create company projects on a rolling basis. Awardees will receive between $500 and $5,000.
Deadline: Rolling.

Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant (International)
The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant is open to mid-career professional artists with demonstrable financial need. Awardees receive between $5,000 to $30,000 depending on need and circumstance.
Deadline: Rolling.


Residencies, Fellowships, & More

The Farm Margaret River (International)
Open to all disciplines, individuals, and collectives, this residency focuses on site-specific projects created during eight weeks at The Farm Margaret River in Australia. Chosen applicant(s) will receive lodging, studio space, and a $7,500 grant.
Deadline: August 1, 2023.

Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts Residencies (International)
The Bemis Center has two residencies open, one 18-month program for curators and another for artists. One chosen curator will receive private living and workspace, a $40,750 stipend, a research budget, a curatorial honorarium, and a $750 travel stipend. Artists receive private live and work studios, a $1,250 monthly stipend, and a $750 travel stipend. There are $40 application fees for both programs.
Deadline: August 1, 2023.

Peters Valley School of Craft (International)
Artists working in blacksmithing, ceramics, fibers, fine metals, wood, drawing, painting, collage, or printmaking are eligible for this two-week to one-month program. Residents receive a private room in a shared house, studio access, and stipends ranging from $500 to $1,000. Chosen applicants must have access to a car.
Deadline: August 1, 2023.

First Peoples Fund Artists in Business Fellowship (National)
First Peoples Fund welcomes submissions from artists who are also enrolled members or can provide proof of lineal descendancy of a U.S. or state-recognized tribe, or are an Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian. The program provides technical support, professional training, and working capital needed to pursue arts business development goals. The award is $7,500-$10,000.
Deadline: August 8, 2023.

First Peoples Fund Cultural Capital Fellowship (National)
This fellowship provides grant funding for artists whose practice is centered on cultural heritage and community, furthering the work of passing on ancestral knowledge and cultural practices within tribal communities. This award is between $7,500 and $10,000.
Deadline: August 14, 2023.

Centrum Residency Programs (International)
Centrum has several residencies open for artists, writers, and curators. All are funded, last one to four weeks, and come with honorariums.
Deadline: August 15, 2023.

Corning Museum of Glass BIPOC Residency (International)
The BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) Residency allows artists to spend a month at The Corning Museum Studio exploring new directions in glassmaking or expanding on their current bodies of work while using the resources of the world’s leading glass museum.
Deadline: August 31, 2023.

Willapa Bay AiR: 2024 Residencies (International)
These month-long residencies are open to emerging and established artists, filmmakers, writers, playwrights, scholars, singer/songwriters, and musical composers. Each month, six chosen applicants receive lodging, meals, and workspace at no cost. There is a $30 application fee.
Deadline: August 31, 2023.

Bryn Du’s Artist in Residence Program (International)
Artists working in visual arts, literature, music, theater, fashion, dance, storytelling, and audiovisual studies are eligible for this eight or 12-week residency. Stipends range from $2,000 to $3,000, and lodging and studio space are provided. There is a $15 application fee.
Deadline: August 31, 2023.

Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts Artist Residency (International)
Open to visual artists, composers, and writers, this program offers two to eight-week residencies with private studio space, housing, and a $175 per week stipend.
Deadline: September 1, 2023.

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article August 2023 Opportunities: Open Calls, Residencies, and Grants for Artists appeared first on Colossal.

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Monday, July 31, 2023

An Offshore Wind Farm in England Hosts Hundreds of Potential Nests for Endangered Kittiwakes

An offshore kittiwake nesting structure in the North Sea.

All images © Ørsted and Red7Marine, shared with permission

The name kittiwake, which describes two related species of seabird that are common along the shores of Europe and North America, comes from its distinctively shrill call that sounds like, “kittee-wa-aaake, kitte-wa-aaake!” The coastal breeding birds are reliant on a steady diet of small fish and crustaceans, but overfishing and rising water temperatures due to climate change have contributed to shrinking colonies. As a result, scientists are rushing to research and monitor the remaining populations.

Kittiwakes typically nest on steep sea cliffs, while at least one colony has adapted to an unusual inland location in Newcastle, bedding down on the corners of buildings and under the Tyne Bridge. The RSPB estimates a global drop in the birds by more than 40% since 1970. Some of the most alarming decreases have been seen in the U.K., particularly in the northern archipelagos of Orkney and Shetland, where numbers have declined by 87% since 2000. St. Kilda, an island in Scotland’s Western Isles, has lost a staggering 96% of the breeding population.

With a little help from unique collaborators—wind farm maker Ørsted and marine engineer Red7Marine—the avians can now make use of three new structures installed just off of England’s East Coast. These installations, placed along one of the fastest eroding coastlines in Europe, provide shelter for the seabirds while simultaneously producing clean and renewable electricity.

Off the shores of South Beach, Lowestoft, and the Minsmere Nature Reserve, Suffolk, each of the artificial nesting structures provide hundreds of small ledges designed to mimic the birds’ steep cliff dwellings. Every year, a team will monitor how many nests are occupied and how productively the kittiwakes are able to breed. The studies will be shared with local wildlife trusts like the Lowestoft Kittiwake Partnership, which just opened a series of bird hotels. (via designboom)


Two details of an offshore kittiwake nesting structure in the North Sea.

Left: Underside view. Right: Interior wall view. Photo by NEUBAU

Two offshore kittiwake nesting structures in the North Sea.

A gif of an offshore kittiwake nesting structure in the North Sea.

A detail of platforms and compartments that can be used by kittiwakes to build nests.

Photo by NEUBAU

An offshore kittiwake nesting structure in the North Sea.

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article An Offshore Wind Farm in England Hosts Hundreds of Potential Nests for Endangered Kittiwakes appeared first on Colossal.

from Colossal

Music, Magic, and Machines: Exquisite Details Unfurl From Chris Millar’s Phantasmagoric Sculptures

An incredibly detailed science fiction-inspired sculpture with clockwork mechanisms and tiny compartments.

Detail of “ADIT 42” (2019), brass, aluminum, resin, electronics, and glass, 42 x 38 x 16 inches. Photo by Jacques Bellavance. All images © Chris Millar, shared with permission

Worlds within worlds emerge from the kaleidoscopic visions of Canadian artist Chris Millar, whose meticulous sculptures encompass a range of materials, mechanisms, and sound. Using clockmaking components along with cast resin, electronics, styrene, acrylic paints, and other materials, he constructs science fiction-inspired microcosmos in which enigmatic narratives unfold.

Through painstaking attention to detail, Millar creates each piece entirely from scratch. “Eclipse at Arc Valley,” the artist’s first exploration into work accompanied by music, took one-and-a-half years to complete and includes a handmade music box, bells, and gongs. “‘ADIT 42’ was started when I moved to Montreal and took two-and-a-half years to complete,” he tells Colossal. “It’s a kinetic sculpture that opens a vault door to reveal an entryway to a phantasmagorical otherworld.”

Spurred by ideas around portals and secret gateways, magic, and non-linear storytelling, Millar describes his approach as “kenophobic,” or characterized by an aversion to empty spaces. He densely fills tiny vignettes, platforms, and compartments with gem-like shapes, cameo portraits, architectural features, lighting elements, clocks, dials, and miniature landscape paintings. He says, “My practice has evolved into a highly detailed, high-craft process that pushes materiality and an excess of imagery to the limits of saturation.”

Millar recently moved his studio to Delson, Québec, and is currently working on two new pieces. While one is fashioned like a giant, ornate book inset with tiny paintings and sculptures, the other incorporates sound and clockwork with a music machine that is even more complex than “Eclipse at Arc Valley.”  The artist is represented by TrepanierBaer, and you can explore more of his work in detail on his website.


An incredibly detailed science fiction-inspired sculpture with clockwork mechanisms and tiny compartments, including a music box.

“ADIT 42.” Photo by Jacques Bellavance

A detail of an elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

Detail of “ADIT 42.” Photo by Jacques Bellavance

A detail of an elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

Detail of “ADIT 42.” Photo by Jacques Bellavance

An elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

“Eclipse at Arc Valley” (2021-22), resin, acrylic paint, brass, aluminum, steel, and glass, 57 x 19 x 14 inches. Photo by Jacques Bellavance

Two details of an elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

Details of “Eclipse at Arc Valley.” Photo by Jacques Bellavance

A detail of an elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

Detail of “Eclipse at Arc Valley.” Photo by Jacques Bellavance

A detail of an elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

Detail of “Eclipse at Arc Valley.” Photo by Jacques Bellavance

An elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

“370H55V” (2011), acrylic paint, styrene, ABS, brass, glass, and wood, 68 x 40 x 31 inches

A detail of an elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture, featuring playing cards and other architectural elements.

Detail of “370H55V”

Two details of an elaborate science fiction-inspired sculpture.

Details of “370H55V”

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article Music, Magic, and Machines: Exquisite Details Unfurl From Chris Millar’s Phantasmagoric Sculptures appeared first on Colossal.

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Friday, July 28, 2023

Amanda Cobbett Embroiders Realistic Likenesses of Fungi and Flora in Stunning Detail

Am embroidered sculpture of lichen on wood.

All images © Amanda Cobbett, shared with permission

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for nature, Amanda Cobbett embroiders hyperrealistic fungi, mosses, and lichen with painstaking precision (previously). Taking between one to two weeks to complete, each piece is inspired by flora found around the U.K., which she collects, studies, and recreates with fiber in her Surrey Hills studio. Most recently, the artist has focused on samples found in the Scottish Borders for an upcoming exhibition, which she says is “the result of a year’s worth of work, and includes even more intricacy than previously made embroideries…It is a snapshot in time but includes a huge amount of variety in colour, texture, and new forms.”

Cobbett complements an array of mushrooms with soil-coated roots and carpets lifelike pieces of bark and twigs in diverse lichens. Over time, she has developed techniques that allow her to work on a minuscule scale, often putting specimens under magnification to detect the tiniest characteristics. “I mix the weights of the sewing threads from the bobbin and the spool, often using a 75 to 100-weight thread to enable me to get the finest detail,” she says.

You can see more of Cobbett’s work on her website, or follow updates on Instagram, where she often shares images of her process.


Tiny embroidered mushrooms.

A lifelike embroidery of lichen on wood.

A lifelike embroidery of lichen on a piece of wood.   An array of embroidered sculptures of lichen on pieces of wood.

An array of realistic embroideries of lichen on twigs.

A realistic embroidery of maidenhair spleenwort

A realistic embroidery of lichen on a twig.

An embroidery of lichen in progess.

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article Amanda Cobbett Embroiders Realistic Likenesses of Fungi and Flora in Stunning Detail appeared first on Colossal.

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Pi Cheng Hsiu Traverses Taiwan to Document a Disappearing Population of Elephant Slides

A colorful elephant slide.

All images © Pi Cheng Hsiu

Through the parks and schoolyards of Taiwan, a dwindling herd of vintage elephant slides trudge alongside ball courts and buildings. Popular in the mid-20th century, the slides no longer adhere to local safety regulations, and as parks are redeveloped, they have been gradually disappearing. In an ongoing series, Pi Cheng Hsiu (previously) captures the herd’s diverse expressions and ornamentation, some retaining their original gray appearance, and others the recipients of vibrant makeovers.

Pi has also generated an interactive map featuring all of the locations documented so far, and you can explore more on Instagram.


An elephant slide under a tree.

An elephant slide painted with characters from Disney's Bambi.  A colorful patchwork elephant slide.

A small elephant slide made from brick.

A colorfully-painted elephant slide. A double-sided elephant slide next to a running track.

A colorfully painted elephant slide.

An elephant slide under a roof with small tricycles.

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article Pi Cheng Hsiu Traverses Taiwan to Document a Disappearing Population of Elephant Slides appeared first on Colossal.

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A Knotted Octopus Carved Directly into Two Pianos Entwines Maskull Lasserre’s New Musical Sculpture

“The Third Octave” (2023). All images © Maskull Lasserre, shared with permission Behind the hammers and pins of most upright pianos is a ...