Thursday, February 24, 2022

Dense Fog Shrouds San Francisco’s Streets in a Spectral Haze in Joshua Singh’s Photos

All images © Joshua Singh, shared with permission

Photographer Joshua Singh wields the unrelenting fog that hangs over San Francisco to veil his shots with a dreamy, eerie quality. The Bay Area city is notorious for the dense weather condition that thwarts visibility and leaves pockets of reprieve among its hilly landscape—it’s so iconic that some residents have even named the weather event. Often working after sunset, Singh captures everyday activities like soccer practice and commutes that turn mysterious when illuminated by street lights or glowing store signage that peeks through the atmospheric haze.

Head to Instagram to see more of his street photography and to his portfolio to shop prints. (via Peta Pixel)


from Colossal

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Vibrant Tiled Mosaics by Ememem Repair Gouged Pavement and Fractured Sidewalks

All images © Ememem, shared with permission

Lyon native Ememem, aka “the pavement surgeon,” examines the streets of European cities and checks for splintered pavement and sidewalks fractured in pieces. Using tiles and stones, he patches the gouged wounds with vibrant mosaics, which nestle into uniquely shaped outlines in walkways and walls. The street-based interventions brighten the otherwise gray asphalt and cement with radial patterns and color-coded stripes that the artist describes as a “free and spontaneous surgical act, which repairs as much as it beautifies.”

Since 2016, Ememem (previously) has restored hundreds of potholes and cracks in the streets across Norway, Scotland, Germany, and Spain, many of which he shares on Instagram. Some of his smaller works will be on view with ErbK Gallery from March 10 to 13 at Lille Art Up Fair, and this summer, he’ll travel to festivals in France, Italy, and Ireland and to Valparaiso and Santiago in September. Ememem is also launching a residency this fall for artists interested in learning his techniques.


Ememem’s collaboration with artist Jan Vormann, whose LEGO piece constructs part of the wall

from Colossal

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Decorative Papercuts in White and Gold Compose Patrick Cabral’s Meticulously Layered Sculptures

All images © Patrick Cabral, shared with permission

Patrick Cabral re-envisions the intricate veins striping the tail of a fish and grooves in a pangolin’s scales with delicate, lace-like flourishes. The Manila-based artist is known for his sculptural portraits of wild animals and fantastical creatures that layer hundreds of paper cutouts into stunning three-dimensional works. Primarily composed with white, Cabral’s most recent pieces utilize gold for trimming a hippo’s facial features and heightening the depth and texture of the coiling, intertwined bodies of a dragon and its rival. The metallic material also adds contrast to a pair of koi swimming in a circular yin and yang formation.

Currently, Cabral is finishing a few works that will be exhibited from March 18 to 20 as part of Xavier Art Fest, a group exhibition raising money for victims of Typhoon Rai that devastated the southern Philippines last December. Check out his Instagram to see a variety of commissions and personal projects, in addition to a short video detailing his painstaking hand-carving and gluing process.


from Colossal

A Deep-Sea Montage Unveils the Fantastic, Bizarre Creatures Swimming in Monterey Bay

A compilation recently released from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Insitute (previously) invokes the old adage that reality is stranger than fiction. Featuring dozens of otherworldly sea creatures, the footage highlights some of the most bizarre animals spotted during the organization’s ROV dives, which range from the water’s surface to its 4,900-foot-deep floor. The montage includes a diverse array of species from aptly named strawberry squid and the elusive psychedelic jellyfish to the pacific viperfish. The institute’s partner organization, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, is also hosting an exhibition dedicated to the mysterious creatures living in the region, which opens this April. (via Moss and Fog)


Peacock squid

Swimming sea cucumber

Feather star

Vampire squid

Strawberry squid


from Colossal

Monday, February 21, 2022

Sell More Art Online Using Canvy’s Pre-Styled Rooms

After spending your valuable time creating your latest and greatest artwork, the last thing you need is a battle with cumbersome photo editing software just to showcase it. Canvy is an online app designed to help artists easily create compelling mockups and make a great first impression in their online shops.

With more than 500 customizable rooms and new options added almost daily, Canvy is built around the idea that each artwork deserves a unique display. That’s why they offer interiors in a range of styles, allowing you to change the color of the room and furniture, to visualize your art on the wall, and perfectly match the environment to your practice and audience. is an online app to visualize pictures on wall to reach more potential buyers for your art

The same mockup room styled to match each artwork uniquely.

Canvy’s easy cropping and built-in frame tools ensure that every piece you highlight looks stunning and professional and that no mockup takes more than a few minutes to complete. Not sure what space suits your vibe? Get inspired by your fellow artists and try one of Canvy’s pre-styled rooms.

Once you’re done, you can export your mockups to Etsy on the fly and store your designs in Canvy’s digital database. The all-in-one platform helps you organize your works until they’re ready for the limelight and even offers its own site-building tool geared toward artists with unlimited content pages and traffic including free security.


Denise Comeau in her studio with her Canvy showcases from

Dramatic increase in sales with mockups

French-Canadian artist Denise Comeau started using Canvy to display her abstract watercolors that reflect life along Baie Sainte-Marie’s shores in Canada. She’s noticed a dramatic impact on her audience and sales since using the app. “Canvy is a game changer. Since using it, I have seen a huge improvement in both my social media impact and my online sales,” she says.


Martin Wessel owner of the danish online poster store

Showcasing made easier

Martin Wessel, the owner of Plakato, creates posters for each room of the house, and Canvy ensures that he doesn’t have to make an outsized investment in equipment or elaborately designed sets that come with a hefty price tag. “Canvy has made showcasing my posters in everyday scenarios a lot easier. The scenes are high quality and have that Scandinavian vibe which is spot on for my customers. Canvy is great help given that I don’t have equipment to make professional scenes to showcase my posters,” he says.

If you’d like to join Comeau, Wessel, and over 70,000 other creatives to see how Canvy can help simplify your practice, try a one-month Pro Membership for free!

from Colossal

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Hugging and Hungry, An Adorable Litter of Cats Are Hand-Covered as Miniature Sculptures

Wooden cat sculptures by Sakura Hanafusa

All images © Sakura Hanafusa, shared with permission

Japanese sculptor Sakura Hanafusa carves whimsical cat sculptures often carrying a range of foods, including vegetables, sweets, and biscuits. In one of the feline statues, a snowy-haired creature peeks out from underneath a vanilla ice cream cone, while in another, a smiling duo clings to mushrooms and acorns. Adorable and playful, Hanafusa’s poses sometimes prompt interaction and mimicry like with the seven cats pawing for high fives, which ask passersby to raise their hands, too.

Hanafusa whittles camphor wood and then adds details to their noses, paws, and whiskers with oil paint. The characters are modeled from family and friends’ pets, all of which have playful expressions whether grinning or shy and coy. While a few of Hanafusa’s pieces are the size of real animals, others would only fit into the palm of a hand, and some merge with other objects, such as his collection of plump felines with orange, satsuma bodies.

To view more of Hanafusa’s work, visit the artist’s website and Instagram. (via Supersonic Art)


Wooden cat sculptures by Sakura Hanafusa

Wooden cat sculptures by Sakura Hanafusa

Wooden cat sculptures by Sakura Hanafusa

Wooden cat sculptures by Sakura Hanafusa

Wooden cat sculptures by Sakura Hanafusa Wooden cat sculptures by Sakura Hanafusa



from Colossal

Friday, February 18, 2022

Ethereal Paper Sculptures and Large-Scale Installations by Ayumi Shibata Play With Light and Shadow

A photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures showcasing a miniature urban landscape with large trees

All images © Ayumi Shibata, shared with permission

Japan-based artist Ayumi Shibata (previously) designs intricate landscapes using layers upon layers of white paper. Some of her sculptures are miniature, whereas others are immersive installations, and all are brought to life with the play of light and shadow, which create “movement” throughout her pieces. The works feature architectural domes, cave-like forests, and swirling suns hovering over tree-filled cities. These picturesque places aren’t based on a particular location but what the artist “hopes and believes the future of the planet could look like”.

Shibata’s ethereal landscapes envision a world in which humans and natural forms coexist, and she describes her pieces as having a “Yin and Yang” element. Paper represents Yin, the material, and the ways the works emit shadows correlates to Yang, the invisible world. “The light represents spirit and life, how the sun rises and breathes life into the world,” she explains. “I believe my pieces are a place to observe the material world and the visible one.”

The physical elements have a deeper meaning for the artist, as well: In Japanese, Kami means god or spirit but also paper, a sacred material in the Shinto religion. “Invisible ‘Kami’ spirits dwell in various objects and events, places, as well as in our houses and in our bodies,” she says. “I use my technique to express my thankfulness to the Kami spirits for having been born in this life. Each piece of paper I cut is a prayer.”


A photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures

Shibata began constructing these sculptures when living in New York. She would visit a church to meditate and escape the noise of the city, and it was when she observed light illuminating stained glass that she was reminded of her love of working with paper. The artist explains:

The city was full of noise. Everything, people, time goes so fast and moves rapidly, and I needed a quiet space to go back to myself. One day, I opened my eyes after meditation and saw colorful light flooding the floor through the stained glass. It was breathtakingly beautiful. It reminded me of a memory from childhood where I used to cut black paper and stick colored cellophane behind it to make a ‘paper’ stained glass piece. I got the tools on my way home and tried it that night. From that moment, I continued to cut paper.

Currently, Shibata is working on an installation called “Inochino-uta, Poetry of Life,” for an exhibition later this year. The large-scale project is made out of 108 pieces of paper connected by strings and suspended from the ceiling. To view more of the artist’s work, visit her Instagram or website.


A photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures

A photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures showcasing a little boat sailing upon waves

A close up photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures showing dome-like architectural forms and tunnels

A photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures showcasing a swirling sun hovering over a city with lots of trees

A photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures

A photograph of Ayumi Shibata's white paper sculptures

from Colossal

A Knotted Octopus Carved Directly into Two Pianos Entwines Maskull Lasserre’s New Musical Sculpture

“The Third Octave” (2023). All images © Maskull Lasserre, shared with permission Behind the hammers and pins of most upright pianos is a ...