Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Aggressive Avians Dominate the 2022 Bird Photographer of the Year Contest

“Fight,” Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus, Finnmark, Norway, Erlend Haarberg, Norway, Category: Bird Behaviour

From rival spotted redshanks to combatting spoonbills, quite a few finalists from the 2022 Bird Photographer of the Year contest center on avians as they fight for territory, food, and mates. The seventh-annual competition garnered more than 20,000 entries from 115 countries that capture a wildly diverse array of behaviors and habitats. Winners officially will be announced in September and coincide with a book release and exhibition of the top photos. Until then, see some of our favorites below, and check out last year’s winners, too.


“Full Contact,” Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia, Hortobágy National Park, Hungary, Gabor Baross, Hungary, Category: Bird Behaviour

“Head Over Heels in Love,” Crested Caracara Caracara cheriway, Laguna Seca Ranch, Edinburg, Texas, Marti Phillips, United States of America, Category: Bird Behaviour

“Hummingbird Hideaway,” Anna’s Hummingbird Calypte anna, Vancouver, British Columbia. Liron Gertsman, Canada, Category: Bird Behaviour

“Upland Buzzard Versus Corsac Fox,” Upland Buzzard Buteo hemilasius, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China.Baozhu Wang, China, Category: Bird Behaviour

“Wart Head,” Ocellated Turkey Meleagris ocellata, Chan Chich, Belize, Leander Khil, Austria, Category: Best Portrait

“A Cartoon Bird Rasing Its ‘Hands,'” black-and-yellow Broadbill Eurylaimus ochromalus, Selangor, Malaysia, Weng Keong Liew, Malaysia, Category: Best Portrait

“Life Hanging in the Balance,” Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias, Skagit Valley, Washington, Glenn Nelson, United States of America, Category: Bird Behaviour

“Manitoba Burrowing Owl Recovery Program,” Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia, Manitoba, Canada, Walter Potrebka, Canada, Category: Conservation Award

from Colossal https://ift.tt/iAWPBS1

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