Wednesday, May 10, 2023

‘One Hundred Famous Views of Edo’: Hiroshige’s Seminal Series of Woodblock Prints Gets a Vibrant Reprint

A print by Hiroshige.

All images © Utagawa Hiroshige, courtesy of Taschen

From the 17th through the 19th centuries, a genre of Japanese art called ukiyo-etranslating to “pictures of the floating world”—centered on colorful depictions of landscapes, performers and sumo wrestlers, and scenes from folklore and history in vivid woodblock prints. Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), one of the most renowned artists in the tradition—and one of the last—was famous for his chromatic vistas depicting recognizable features like blossoming cherry trees and the omnipresent snow-capped cone of Mount Fuji. His final project, an ambitious collection of 120 woodblock illustrations, became known as One Hundred Famous Views of Edo and depicts what is now Tokyo throughout the seasons.

A new reprint from Taschen pairs each of the artist’s remarkable prints with text by authors Lorenz Bichler and Melanie Trede, celebrating the scenery, the city’s history, and Hiroshige’s contribution to ukiyo-e. The authors highlight how the colorful depictions of the country helped define the Western world’s visual interpretation of Japan, referencing the influence of Japonisme on European decorative arts and painters like Vincent van Gogh, Edgar Degas, and James McNeill Whistler. The new edition is presented in a case and bound in a traditional Japanese style known as stab binding in which a series of holes are punched in the cover and the spine is elegantly bound with string.

Scheduled for release next month, you can pre-order One Hundred Famous Views of Edo: The Complete Plates on Taschen’s website. You might also enjoy Hiroshige’s instructional shadow puppet prints and a look back at a recent exhibition focusing on landscapes in the Art Institute of Chicago’s ukiyo-e archive.


A spread of a book of woodblock prints by Hiroshige.

A woodblock print by Hiroshige.

A spread of a book of woodblock prints by Hiroshige.

The cover of a book of woodblock prints by Hiroshige.   A spread of a book of woodblock prints by Hiroshige.

A spread of a book of woodblock prints by Hiroshige.

The cover of a book about Hiroshige.

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article ‘One Hundred Famous Views of Edo’: Hiroshige’s Seminal Series of Woodblock Prints Gets a Vibrant Reprint appeared first on Colossal.

from Colossal

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

how to attract a pisces

Pisces are known for being sensitive, intuitive, and creative individuals. If you're interested in attracting a Pisces, here are some tips that may help:

  1. Show your emotional side: Pisces are emotional creatures and are attracted to partners who are in touch with their emotions. Expressing your feelings and being vulnerable can help build a strong emotional connection.

  2. Be patient: Pisces can be indecisive and take their time when it comes to making decisions, so it's important to be patient and not rush them.

  3. Show your creative side: Pisces are often creative individuals who appreciate art, music, and other forms of self-expression. Sharing your own creative pursuits or showing an interest in theirs can help build a connection.

  4. Be kind and compassionate: Pisces are empathetic and compassionate individuals who value kindness and understanding. Showing compassion and empathy towards them and others can help attract a Pisces.

  5. Listen attentively: Pisces are good listeners and appreciate partners who can do the same. Taking the time to listen to their thoughts and feelings can help build trust and strengthen the relationship.

Remember, everyone is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all formula for attracting someone. Ultimately, being yourself and building a genuine connection based on mutual interests and values is key to attracting a Pisces or anyone else.

Tom Hegen’s Aerial Photos of Spanish Olive Groves Reveal Undulating Patterns and Deep Traditions

An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

All images © Tom Hegen, shared with permission

For millennia, Spain has been leading producer of olives thanks to the Mediterranean climate’s long, hot summers and mild winter temperatures. Harvested and cured in brine or ground up to extract the natural oils, the fruits are grown on trees planted in vast groves that stretch for miles over the undulating landscape. The region of Andalusia in particular boasts a time-honored tradition of olive cultivation, producing and exporting more than any other part of the country. For German photographer Tom Hegen, the rows and grid-like patterns of the groves presented an irresistible subject.

Known for his aerial photos of swaths of earth that have been impacted by human presence, such as salt extraction sites, Florida beaches, and solar plants, Hegen captures expansive Spanish landscapes that when viewed from above, morph into abstractions of pattern and texture. He highlights the immense monocultures that spread over nearly six million acres of Spanish countryside, documenting both large-scale agricultural production and smaller farms managed by individual families for whom producing olive oil is a centuries-old vocation.

Explore more of Hegen’s aerial photography on his website and Instagram.


An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain. An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

An aerial photograph of olive groves in Spain.

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article Tom Hegen’s Aerial Photos of Spanish Olive Groves Reveal Undulating Patterns and Deep Traditions appeared first on Colossal.

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A Reel-to-Reel Recorder Animates Wildlife Automata Using Carl Sagan’s Warning of Climate Disasters

A new advertisement for the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability program in the world, recalls the nearly 40-year-old speeches of the prescient American scientist and cosmologist Carl Sagan. Famously testifying to Congress in 1985 to alert of the dangers of a warming environment, Sagan was an unflinching advocate for transitioning the world away from fossil fuels and protecting the planet for generations to come.

In “Carl Sagan’s Message,” the Brazilian production company Boiler Filmes and ad agency AlmapBBDO bring the scientist’s words back to life alongside a menagerie of wildlife automata. As a reel-to-reel audio recorder plays his speeches, a kangaroo, elephant, moose, and more—all of which were created by artist Pablo Lavezzari—begin to wiggle. Each is part of a larger installation, a fitting metaphor for the connection of all living beings.

Throughout the nearly two-minute ad, Sagan warns, “We’re doing something immensely stupid…The abundance of greenhouse gases is increasing. One degree of temperature change is enough to produce widespread suffering and famine worldwide.” Unfortunately in 2023, the planet has already surpassed one degree, and we now face the immense task of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celcius. “40 years ago it was urgent,” the ad reads. “Now it’s an emergency.”


a gif of an animated elephant automata

a recorder connected to several kinetic animals

a gif of an animated moose automata

a child stands in front of an installation with a recorder and wildlife automata with tape covering the floor

Do stories and artists like this matter to you? Become a Colossal Member today and support independent arts publishing for as little as $5 per month. The article A Reel-to-Reel Recorder Animates Wildlife Automata Using Carl Sagan’s Warning of Climate Disasters appeared first on Colossal.

from Colossal

Monday, May 8, 2023

how to ask good questions

Asking good questions can be a valuable skill in various areas of life, including education, career, and personal relationships. Here are some tips for asking good questions:

  1. Be clear about what you want to know: Before asking a question, take a moment to consider what information you are seeking. Be specific and avoid vague or ambiguous language.

  2. Consider your audience: The type of question you ask may depend on the person or group you are asking. For example, a technical question to a specialist in the field may be more detailed than a general question to someone unfamiliar with the topic.

  3. Use open-ended questions: Open-ended questions encourage discussion and can lead to more information than closed-ended questions. For example, instead of asking, "Did you like the movie?" you can ask, "What did you think of the movie?"

  4. Avoid leading questions: Leading questions can imply a particular answer and may influence the person's response. For example, asking, "Don't you think the movie was terrible?" suggests a negative opinion.

  5. Avoid judgmental language: Using judgmental language can make people defensive and less likely to answer the question. For example, instead of saying, "Why did you do that stupid thing?" you can say, "Can you explain your reasoning behind that decision?"

  6. Listen actively: Pay attention to the response to your question, and ask follow-up questions if necessary. Active listening can help you gain more insights and better understanding of the topic.

  7. Ask for clarification if needed: If you don't understand the answer or need more information, ask for clarification. It shows that you are interested in the topic and value the other person's perspective.

Overall, asking good questions requires clarity, openness, and curiosity. By asking good questions, you can gain more insights, deepen your understanding, and build better relationships with others.

how to ask your boyfriend for money

As an AI language model, I cannot determine the specific dynamics of your relationship with your boyfriend, and whether it is appropriate or not to ask him for money. However, if you have a genuine need and feel comfortable discussing your financial situation with your boyfriend, you can approach the conversation in a respectful and considerate manner. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Be honest: Start by explaining your situation honestly and clearly. Let him know why you need the money and how much you need.

  2. Be specific: Be clear about how much money you need and when you need it. This can help your boyfriend better understand your situation and make a decision on whether he is able to help.

  3. Be respectful: Ask your boyfriend for help in a respectful manner. Avoid using a demanding tone or making it seem like you are entitled to his money.

  4. Discuss repayment: If you and your boyfriend agree on lending money, discuss how you plan to repay the loan. Set up a clear repayment plan and stick to it.

  5. Be prepared for a refusal: It's important to remember that your boyfriend is not obligated to give you money. If he declines your request, try to understand his reasons and avoid making him feel guilty or obligated to comply.

Remember that open and honest communication is key in any relationship, including financial matters.

A Knotted Octopus Carved Directly into Two Pianos Entwines Maskull Lasserre’s New Musical Sculpture

“The Third Octave” (2023). All images © Maskull Lasserre, shared with permission Behind the hammers and pins of most upright pianos is a ...